Nowadays, neighbors don’t seem to know each other as well as they used to in the old days. We drive by and wave or give a head nod periodically, but we don’t know all of our neighbors by name. So, if you are walking through the apartment building or driving by and notice a large sign on your neighbor’s door with a big S or E on it, what are you going to do?

Let’s say you look up ‘large E sign’ online, find the website, read more about the signs, and realize that your neighbor has quarantined himself inside. You also notice that he did not circle the ‘E,’ so he has yet to establish any support. You find it your civic duty to help him out, but you wonder what to do. The first thing to do is to introduce yourself.

What is the safest way to introduce yourself, considering that your neighbor may have coronavirus? You do not want to walk up and ring the doorbell or knock. That would not be safe. I would suggest that you create a sign, stand outside their door, and yell until you gain their attention. You could use a sheet of paper with your name and phone number on it for the sign. You could use hand signals to tell him to call you. Having seen him around the neighborhood will make it more comfortable than approaching someone you do not now. Once he calls you, start with usual introductions, “Hi, my name is Jeff. I see you have the coronavirus sign on your door, is there any way I can help?”

At this point, if you both read the instructions, you know to set up regular check-in times and to provide any supplies that the quarantined neighbor cannot readily get delivered. Otherwise, chitchat with him, try to get to know him. I mean, after this is all over, you will be closer neighbors and likely friends. Nothing is stronger at binding people than a helping hand during a time of need.

Thank you for stepping up to help your neighbor and everyone else in the community stop this pandemic.

Take care and be safe!

