Mission: Our mission is to stop the spread of the coronavirus to minimize future hospitalizations and loss of life, plus get people safely back to work to restore the world economy.

Jeff Kister

Jeff Kister is a business strategy consultant with over thirty years of experience supporting startups to Fortune 500 companies. Learn more at PlannedSerendipity.com.

Self-Directed Contact Tracing

What if the solution is as easy as everyone with symptoms making a few phone calls after talking to their doctor?  Self-directed contact tracing can mimic the successful contact tracing performance without all the healthcare workers. Learn more on the Solution page.

Crush the Curve

To truly crush the case model curve, government leaders would need to embrace and widely communicate the self-direct contact tracing approach. We could have almost all infected and exposed persons quarantined within a week, allowing healthy people to return to running the economy. Please consider having your country, state, county, city, or village pilot this program to prove to the rest of the world that it works.

Dampen the Curve

You can make a difference and help dampen the coronavirus spread by following the self-directed contact tracing (SDCT) steps. Every individual who supports this approach can save lives and help get the economy back on track sooner. It does not take world leaders to make SDCT work – though they could speed the process. Please share self-directed contact tracing with your friends and family to help stop the pandemic.


We are still building out this website. Next steps include:

  • Creating a Steps page detailing what each individual can do to facilitate self-directed contact tracing
  • Updating the forecasts to our ‘new normal’ to see how countries are performing as they open their economies
  • Posting additional reports for cases per million, mortality, etc.