Creating a support network is essential for three reasons: to provide supplies, check in on you regularly, and to help with the boredom we have all be experiencing with the restricted movement lockdown.

If you end up with a mild case of the coronavirus, as confirmed by COVID-19 testing, your doctor will likely instruct you to quarantine at home. Mild cases generally last two weeks but could linger on much longer. I know of a situation where the person contracted the disease, stayed in the hospital for a couple of weeks, and then self-quarantine at home upon doctor’s orders and is in her fifth week of fighting the disease. In similar circumstances, you may rely on Amazon, stores that deliver, or personal-shopper companies, such as Instacart, to provide supplies. However, I am sure some situations will arise where you need a friend or family member to deliver something.

I would suggest starting your support network shortly after learning from your doctor that your symptoms are consistent with coronavirus, arranging your testing time, and completing your contact tracing. You can call people you know are healthy and close by home. You should ask them to join your home-bound network and see if they would be willing to help you for at least two weeks and perhaps longer. No’s should be respected, and you should quickly move on to calling others to fill the void.

Your support network can also keep tabs on you in case of an emergency. I recommend you establish regular check-in times each day, at least twice and optimally three times. You and your dream team should prepare to call 9-1-1 for assistance if you take a turn for the worse. If you miss a designated check-in, the support team member should try to call or text you, then give you fifteen minutes to respond. This second attempt could reduce false alarms. For example, you may be in the bathroom and forgot your phone. The three check-ins are because of how quickly some people with COVID-19 deteriorate to struggling for their lives. As the old saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Last, we all know how annoying restrictive movement has been, and self-quarantining is even worse. You are not allowed to leave home for any reason until cleared by a doctor. You cannot drive to the store, drive around sightseeing, walk around the block, or even grill outside. In apartment living, I would also suggest keeping your windows closed to mitigate wind transference. Your friends could make all the difference by being there to talk to or play a virtual game.

Take care and be safe!


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